
Stella and Rory

Stella and Rory

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Happy Weekend Mates

Howdy Everybuddy, I went to the Vets for another check of my bottom troubles and everything is fine and dandy!  No more meds for me.  Yaahooo!  

Enjoy your weekend and remember, love the ones you're with!

No worries, and LOVE,
Stella and Rory


Sunday, October 20, 2013

The donkey and backend troubles

Howdy Mates.  I've had another trip to the Vets yesterday.  Apparently my antibiotics have not worked at all and my er, bottom troubles are worse.  I say phrrrrrt to that.  I'm now taking a stronger, different sort of antibiotic and hopefully this will clear things up.  I'm ok, but a little tired and out of sorts.  Mum says I will be better soon and to rest up, so that's what I've been doing. 

Mum went to the Op Shop (secondhand shop) and bought us a Donkey to play with.  

Hey Rory, where do ya wanna take it?

Mum, why are you talking like a donkey???

Mmmm, smells good in here.

I always get compared to a horse.  
Maybe I'm more like a donkey!!

I'm just gonna have a little rest under the table.
It's my favourite place to nap.  

We want to offer our sincere sympathy and LOVE to the families of Gracie Lynn and Pip.  
You will be sadly missed mates.  
Run fast, run free.

No worries, and love,
Stella and Rory

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Our Vet visit.

Howdy Everybuddy.  Yesterday we went to the Vets for our annual vaccinations.

We were as good as gold and mum and dad were proud of us.  I walked into the vets had a quick sniff and dropped down and relaxed on the floor.  Mum of course did not take her camera!  Hopeless I say, especially when I wanted proof of my goodness.  Stella was fabaroony too.

Then Dr Anna gave us the once over.  Well, she tried with me butt (and this is the important word) I kept my BUTT on the floor and would not stand up.  Hehehe, there was not a darn thing they could do.  I know what they do with their sneaky backend dealings.  My temperature was guessed to be normal.  

Poor Stellie on the otherhand, FORGOT to sit and she was caught with her pants down.   Let's just say she was not amused!  Butt, it was a good thing cause she has a little infection from her, er, well, anal glands, shhhh, don't tell her I told you.  She's taking antibiotics and will be fine, just fine.  Mates, do not worry at all cause this is a very minor thingy.  We had our needles.  No worries. 

Well that's all from me.  Oh, I had a weigh in too.  Mum is now calling me Rotund Rory.  I don't think it's funny.  88.8 kgs (195 lbs).  Stellie is a petite 17.4 kgs (38 lbs).  

Here's a photo from our walk today.  See ya mates.

No worries, and slobber
Rory and Stellie


Friday, October 11, 2013

Mum thinks she's soooo clever.

Howdy Everybuddy.  We thought we'd better let mum have a go in the garden.  After two long years of trying to help and getting no thanks WHATSOEVER, we gave up.  See the results for yourselves.  Yes.  Flowers.   Doesn't take much to make our mum happy.  Enjoy them mum.  Yeah, yeah, take some photos just in case Rory and I decide to take up gardening again, hehehe. 

Stellie, has she finished smirking yet?

 I'm not even gonna look at her now.

Little Mr Rabbit says howdy to Mr Frankie.

See ya soon mates.  
We're off to the Vet for our annual vaccination.  
No worries, and love Stella and Rory

Monday, October 7, 2013

It was all fun until the bath started!.

Howdy Everybuddy.   Monday morning.  A public holiday here in Oz.  Mmmmm, nice and relaxing.  We started off the day with our usual 5 km walk along the summer track.  Met a nice man out walking and I was the perfect gentleman.  No worries. 

Came home and mum shut the front yard gates so we had the run of front and back yards.    Mum made coffee and her and dad sat out the front reading and drinking.  No worries.  Four people walked past our gate, we ran up like nutcases, barked, mum told us off.  No worries.  

 Sorry Dad, I promise I won't bark again, hehe.

Stella, I hear someone coming!

 Sorry Dad, I promise I won't bark again!

Mum, is Dad still looking for me?

Lisa (our sissy) drops in with Tyler.  It was Tyler's birthday, he's four years old.  Happy Birthday Tyler mate.  

Mum made more coffee.  No worries.  Dear, old, forgetful mum.  

We never escape our front yard.  The fence is a bit raggety butt, we always stay with mum.  That's just our way.  Tyler on the otherhand enjoys playing Houdini.  Mum's just taking a sip from her cup when she sees Tyler racing down the paddock next to our place.  Stella is a close second and I, Rory, bring up the rear.

Hehehe, we just couldn't help ourselves.  Tyler went over, Stella followed and I, Rory, scrambled over, scratching my tummy (and other bits and pieces) on the wire fence.

Mum, Dad and Lisa head into the paddock.  Dad calls Stella, she is about 200 metres away.  She stops, dad waves his arms and yells out COME and buggar me, she runs back to him!  And she says I'm the stoopid one!  Tyler and I continue on along the creek bed through the back of some neighbour's yards.  By this time Dad and Mum have driven the car around the corner and down the road towards where the creek comes out near the road.  

There we are.  Tyler sniffing around.  He goes to Lisa when she calls cause he's had enough adventure.  Me on the otherhand, well, actually, it's kinda embarrassing, but well, I got myself stuck in the cow pen.  I sorta managed to squeeze under the bars but couldn't get any further so I was locked in there.  Dad says I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.  

Anyhoo, Lisa walked Tyler back to our place, mum drove the car and dad walked me back along the creek (after getting me out of the cow pen) and back up through our paddock.  I was knackered.

We were all (especially Stella) covered in slimy cow poo.  It smelt devine.  To us.  Apparently not so for mum and dad.  We heard the word bath and I nearly added to the poo situation.  I don't like baths at all.  What was I doing to do?

Stella was drownded in the laundry trough and came out smelling like roses.  Me, well I don't fit in the trough and I shake and cry if I have a bath so good old mum, dear old mum, she gave me a sponge bath.  Ahhhh it felt so good.  Warm soapy water, washed all over with a soft sponge.  Ooooh I could get to like this.  Soon, I too was smelling like roses.  



So folks, that was our Monday morning.  The rest of the day was spent lazing in the sun.  Life is good mates, especially when we're naughty at times!!  See ya.  

No worries, and slobber, Rory and Stella


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Just for laughs.

 Howdy mates, mum needed a laugh this morning so we found her these.  Hope you like em. 

 We dont know why but she didn't think this one was funny.  
We thought it was hilarious!

It's Thursday morning here in Oz.  Have a great day everybuddy.  No worries, and love, Stella and Rory