
Stella and Rory

Stella and Rory

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Snowmen, Bubbles and in the Doghouse

Mr Frankie, they're invading.  Three on our tree!
Oh, the eyes, the eyes.  Arghhhh!

Where's Tyler?
 Here he is.

 Always a lap dog.

No more photos, please Nana.

Whats coming?

Soap in my eyes.

That was fun.

 Still soapy.

Just kidding!

 Nap time for pups.

Good pups.

No worries, and love, 
Stella and Rory


  1. OH the EVIL EYES.... BEADY Vicious SCARY Evil EYES... I have never seen a snowman that doesn't have them... {{{SHIVER}}} I am so VERY VERY much sorry that they have found your Lovely Tree. HEY... open the doors and windows... your warm days will turn them into ... SLUSH..

    BUBBLES... Ernie Likes Bubbles.. he hasn't played with any fur a few weeks.. THANKS fur the GRRRRRREAT REMINDER Pics. . YOUR Bubbles are HOOOOOOGE and Beautiful.

  2. I wouldn't worry about the snowmen, I 'd be gettin' concerned over that scary lookin' CLOWN below snowman on picture 3 - now that's somethin'!

    Tell your mum to get you doggie bubbles that are chicken and beefs flavoured - I've heard they are good!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie

  3. Woooo mates! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas there BOL!! And is so beautiful, we'll have to wait a few more months until it is that nice here:) Hope woo all get a lot of loot from santa paws!


    ps I noticed woo added us us to your list of bloggies on the left side there- thanks! we added you too! be well mates!

  4. We only have 1 snowman on our tree!

    Stop on by for a visit

  5. Those round guys are a lot of fun in real life. My boys make them quite tall. They also made little round things called "snow balls" which Thor loved to catch and eat. Wish you could come to our yard in a month or so and play with snow balls with us!

    xoxo Marjie

  6. Bubbles are great until you pop one in your mouth. Yuk!

  7. OH how I LOVE bubbles! Wish I could have been there. Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles!!!!

  8. Wate a minit, how can you has evil snowmans there? Do it not be summertime Down Unner by you? Take them out to your dog house and hide them in there and they be melted in no time!

  9. Snowmen in the summer, and we thought the cool weather was only in our area..BOL!!!

    We've never played with bubbles. We'll have to try that.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra, Bella & Roxy

  10. Wow, did Frankie send you some of his Moms snowmen? BOl

    We LOVE bubbles. The little bipeds blow them around and we try to eat them:)

    Happy snoozing.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  11. Oh my goshies... I see a couch. I'm in heaven.

    Woofs & hugs, <3

    ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

  12. oh yeah, I see a lots of snowmen on your Christmas tree, and I'm glad thay they are doing great in your home.

    It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

  13. Rory, you need some doggie sungoggles to keep that bright sun out of your eyes so you can enjoy the bubble chase, too. Good to see Tyler has joined the Occupy Your Couch movement. The ball ornaments on your tree are gorgeous, the snowmen are sorta reverse seasonal, but what is with the clown?

    Jed & Abby

    Jed & Abby

  14. Bubbles and snuggles our favorites. Mom says our snowman will have to go up high, we eat them. BOL

    The silvers and more

  15. Oh I wish we had some of that weather. It was so cold this morning I had my fleece & Blizzard jacket on!! Deccy x

  16. We love your snowmen ornies! And we love playing with bubbles too. They're fun!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  17. Wow, I'm afraid Frankie's mom (my Mamaw) has really started something now. Peeps are puting these things everywhere! Aaaaack. Great bubbles pix Looks like fun. No wonder you needed a nap BOL
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  18. Hi Stella and Rory - hmmm I noticed that the humans are putting those evil looking things up higher in the tree so that they can see us whenever we're in the room. The soap bubbles look like fun. Maybe you guys should wear "doggles" to keep the soap out of your eyes.

  19. You two are so cute
    I still cant believe you both fit in the dog house! I'd think Rory would take up the whole thing!

  20. Zoie and I are two peas on a pot!!! We are a good match!!!
    I just love all your pictures!!! I wish I could have two dogs but there just isn't enough green papers!!!!!!
    xx, Zoie & Fern

  21. A fun day for the pups. Magic bubbles!!!!!!

  22. I love your little mini estate.

    But, I am alarmed that the evil snowmanpersons made it all the way off the edge of the earth to where you reside. I better watch out for them here.


  23. I haven't played with bubbles before but I'll give it a try.


  24. WE haven't even got a tree up yet! Hope your snowmen don't melt, hehehe.

    MOlly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

  25. What terrific ornaments! :D And such HUGE bubbles you got to play with! FUN FUN FUN!!! :D

    Waggin at ya,

  26. Thanks for your kind words about my G-daughter!!! I hope she is successful in the TV business. She has wanted this since she was 7 years old.

  27. Oh wow bubbles are such a good idea for pups! Looks like you two had so much fun!
    We are very jealous :)

  28. Who has the "Life"?

    You have the "Life"

    I really love your outside home. It is beautiful. You guys look so comfortable.

    Hey, It is almost Christmas. I am so excited.



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