
Stella and Rory

Stella and Rory

Friday, June 29, 2012

A Little Break, Sigh

Howdy Everybuddy, stoopid old mum has decided to take a little break.  Sheesh.  She's freakin out about doing her tax, and life in general seems busy.  When she can't find another reason for being slothful, behind in her jobs and generally acting like a total coo coo head, she blames Men oh Paws!  WTF is she talking about?  

So we will be back for Rory's birthday next week.  She promised.  She better keep her promise or else this is what will happen to her!

Mum, I will stand on you like this until you say Uncle, OK?

Possibly a left hook, like this!

Then a right hook, like this!

So Mum, unless you want us to look miserable, like this,  
 dry your eyes princess,
suck it in and get those jobs done!

Hi All, Carol here, I feel a little overwhelmed at the moment, so if you have any important news of any kind, please, please, let me know via e mail.  Sorry I haven't been visiting as much as usual, will see you all next week.

Here's a couple of photos of the dogs, Tess took on her phone.  Kinda freaky aye?


No worries, and love, Stella and Rory



  1. Doing tax is a real &?£^*%+#+#=} so take your time. i am new to blogville. I am just surfing around for cute photos and funny stories.

    I'll be back,

  2. We love your freaky photos! Enjoy your break and don't work too hard!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  3. Carol I wouldn't take to long of a break, Stella looks like she might mean business BOL.....
    Crazy cool photos, enjoy your break

    The silvers and more

  4. Stella and Rory, you make Her take lots of walks, 'cause that's relaxing and lessens stress!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy

  5. Arfing taxes! Till next week then. Though it might be worth more slacking off to see Stella stand on you lol ;)

    Love the freaky pics X

  6. Stella you furgot to add Rory's Big ONE... hold her down and FORCE her to listen to Parliament.... I'll miss you two while ... You Know Who... gets her act together.. butt just take lots of NOTES about all you are doing and then make her type that all up on the blog. No Worries!

  7. Happy early birthday Rory! Be well furiends!


  8. Time to tell Mom what you always tell us when you sign off - no worries, and lots of love, Mom. Take the time you need - we will all still be here.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  9. Hi Carol, my dad's probably sending an e-mail to Stella right now with some hints for nasty tricks to play on you so you'd better not stay away too long. Just trying to warn you....

  10. You two will be missed, that's for sure. MOM says she knows how your mum feels. We'll be waiting right here when you get back.
    Oh I like the freaky photos.

  11. I will be waiting for you!
    I understand when the moms are busy!
    Take care
    Kisses and hugs

  12. Listen, Stella down under, I think your Mum could use a little sympathy instead of all that mean talk. Go up and give her a big smooch and tell her you are sorry!

    Stella Up Over

  13. Taxes and men oh paws, yuke. At least taxes can be get rid with quickly.
    Stella, be a nice girl and try snuggles...

  14. You can be certain of the taxes, but we're not so sure about the men! hehe! See you soon Guys. I'm away with Mum next week, so Happy Birthday Rory mate, in case I miss it! Deccy x

  15. See you all when you get back.


  16. Have a nice rest and we will see you later.
    Those are great boxing pictures and lovely ones Tess took.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  17. Hi guys , tell your mum to get it done pronto and we will miss your blogs while mum is busy!
    Best wishes Molly

  18. We understand completely!! :) Tell mum to take her time, do what needs to be done, and we'll be here when she gets back :) Until next time, many hugs, woofs, licks and nibbles!!

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  19. We all need a break sometimes! Get caught up and we will see you back here later!

    PS I definitely understand about the Men Oh Paws!

  20. Take your time, enjoy your break and try not to work or stress too much! Those freaky photos are neat!

  21. We know you are going on a little blog vacation, but we still wanted to do it.... We have given you an award!!! Come check out the postie!

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  22. Hi Stella & Rory

    We have given you the sunshine blog award. Enjoy your blog holiday and we look forward to hearing more of your pawesome adventures when you return

    From Milo & Jet

  23. Those phone pictures are way cool! Give poor Mum a break. Sometimes the adult things that need doing are really quite unpleasant. It's better if she can just hang around with you guys and enjoy your company, even if she doesn't share it with us. We know you all take good care of each other.

    xoxo Marjie

  24. Take your time and don't worry about us - we'll be here when you get back! Hope things settle down for you!

  25. We can understand when life gets busy...... Do your stuff and don't worry about us.... We are fine. I'm a little concerned that Stella might punch you up though!!!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

  26. Tell me about moms hogging to pooter to their THEIR stuff done when WE have impawtant bloggie stuff to do. Sigh. I feel you pain.

  27. Enjoy you break, sometimes we just nned down time. I love those last 2 pictures, they would make great wall art.

  28. God love 'em - just gorgeous, look forward to droppin' on by!

  29. Those are freaky photos! In a very cool way :)

    Relax and enjoy your break! We all need em now and then :)

    Waggin at ya,


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