Mates, this is the face of abandonment.
Yes, it's true, our mum left us.
For ages and ages.
Three whole days of no mum, sob, sniff, sniff, sob.
Stellie's face was smiling until she realised it was her last walk before mum abandoned us.
Then she did this for the next three days.
This face is not sobbing or sniffing.
This face is smiling and having a grand old time.
Notice the bags of shopping???
Mum galavanted around Melbourne with our sissy Laura, looking at stuffs like this (the view outside her window).
and this (the Melbourne Aquarium)
While we did more of this.
Our cousin Tyler was staying over the weekend mum abandoned us while his mum worked on the Ghan train. Tyer is a full sized labrador, so you can see how big I am next to him.
Yes, mum and sissy shopped till they dropped and then they ate. Muffins, cake and anything else they could lay their greedy little hands on. Sigh.
Anyhoo, she is back. We've made her pay mates, oh yes. Early morning wake up calls, heaps of slobbery drool rubbed all over her, fighting for her attention. Ha, yes, we've done it all.
Only problem is, she loved it.
Said she missed us sooooo much and well, we've forgiven her.
We love her too.
She had a wonderful time with sissy and we're actually glad.
Nothing like a weekend away to recharge the batteries and mum is full of energy now. Well, sort of. She's still lazy but hey, who are we to talk, bwahahaha.
Have a grreat weekend mates.
Here in our part of Oz it's bloomin' cold, wet and windy, so we're going to spend it snuggled indoors.
No worries, and slobber, Rory and Stella