No worries, and slobber, Rory and Stella
Stella and Rory

Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
Tour Down Under and Awards
Howdy Everybuddy. The other day we were lucky enough to have the Tour Down Under go right past our front gate. Our little town was host to a Finish in one of the stages of the race. On this day the riders travelled 135 km (83 miles) in 35C (95F) heat. Stella and I only got to hear the noises and cheers from the backyard cause mum was caring for her little peeps on the day and they were watching from the front gate.
Mum says her little ones liked the motorbikes, Police cars and helicopters the best hehe. The actual group of bikes goes past very fast but it is exciting to watch. Rory thought if he was allowed to run along behind, some of the riders may even have improved their personal best time hehe.
On another note, we have been given two awards. We would like to thank Pugs and Purrs for our Reality Award.
For the Reality Award we have to answer 10 questions.
1. What is your favourite colour? - We love the colours of the rainbow because they remind us of all our family and friends watching over us.
2. What is your favourite animal? - Cats of course cause we like to play chasey with them. They do like chasey don't they???
3. Your favourite non-alcoholic drink? - Water, just can't beat it.
4. Do you prefer Facebook or Twitter? - Facewhat and Twitwho?? Mum's too old for all that new fangled stuff hehe.
5. Your favourite pattern? - The snot marks we designed on our car windows.
6. Do you prefer giving or getting presents? We love giving our family lots of snuggles, walks, bending and stretching exercise when cleaning up poops, and snot and slobber to wash off walls. We like to give them the gift of keeping fit! We do like getting treats too of course!
7. Your favourite number? - 87 cause Mr Frankie taught us to love it!
8. Your favourite day of the week? - Saturday and Sunday because all our family are home.
9. Your favourite flower? - What's a flower? Ahahahahaha (mum sobs quietly in the background).
10. What is your passion? - Stella - Socks
Rory - Sitting on mum's lap.
Next thank you very much to Nerissa from Nerissa's life for our Sisterhood Award. We have to answer the five questions below. Now mum thought she would answer these questions herself.
1. If you could change one thing what would you change? - To still have my parents, in good health, with me.
2. If you could repeat any age, what would it be? any year? - Age 20, in Tasmania on our honeymoon. Say no more!
3. What is one thing that really scares you? Heights. I'm a total whimpy guts.
4. What is one dream you have not completed, and do you think you'll be able to complete it? Paying off our mortgage. Yes we will complete it, it's just taking more time than I thought.
5. If you could be someone else for one day, who would it be? I honestly can't think of who else I would like to be.
As with all awards I am asked to pass them on to blogs I admire or love. This is just too difficult because we have met so many wonderful families in Blogville. So to everyone who wants to take either or both of these awards, please take them and let us know more about yourself.
One last photo of the two crackers who keep me entertained each day.
No worries, and slobber, Rory and Stella
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Fun, fun, and more fun. Yaahooo!
Howdy Mates, we're off to the oval to have a play with our cousins Tyler and Jinx. Are we there yet mum?
Yaahooo, how are you?
Jinx LOVES chasing a ball. Our sissy has a ball throwing
thingy so she doesn't get slobber hehe.
I do not know what is happening with Stella's ears.
You might need to bigify it.
We men checked out the peemail!
Woops, slobbered on myself. Don't worry though.
I wiped it off on mum later.
We know our Sissy always has treats with her. Yum!
We're starting to get tired now.
Only one injury for the whole time!
Sorry Sissy. I know my tail is like a whip when I'm happy.
Last photo before we go.
Time to go home.
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
No worries, and slobber, Rory and Stella
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Our Family - Jinx the dog.
Howdy Everybuddy, well as usual mum always gets her own way. Sigh. There she was blah blah blahing about how we all had to get on, no barking, snarling, fighting and stuffs. We are family now and family stick together, look after each other, eat our food together and especially love each other.
At first we wondered who the heck this new doggie was coming to visit with Tyler. We had some barks through the door and Jinx barked back. She's a tough old girl. Most farm dogs are I suppose and there was no way I was taking things too far. I had to think of her age, her delicate time of life and her sweet gentle face. I knew in my heart of hearts, that yes, she could give me a bloomin good thrashing if it came to push and shove. Yes folks, I, Stella the Bossy, know I am really a chicken at heart. Bok bok bok, hehehe. Who cares anyway, I have a new cousin and life is GOOD.
We went to the Polo Cross oval to say howdy. This is what I thought when I realised a 12 year old red kelpie could outrun me for the tennis ball. Humiliated I was I tell ya.
Of course, when Rory went to the oval mum forgot to take the camera but he and Jinx were just fine. We went at separate times to make it easier to say howdy.
Today Laura and Lisa are both working so mum says we are having a get together. She says no funny business anyone and even if we let out a small yip or teeny tiny bark, she YELLS at us and we all pee ourselves just a little hehe.
Here is our first photo together and mum says we were all fabo and should be proud of ourselves. Paws crossed it will continue like this but mum thinks we are all doing fine.
Anyhoo Jinx, we love ya old girl. Hope everybuddy has had a good weekend. See ya soon.
No worries, and love, Stella, Rory, Tyler and Jinx
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Wordless Wednesday
No worries, and love,
Stella and Rory
P.S. Our thoughts are with all those people and furriends near or involved with the bushfires here in Australia. Take care mates.
P.S.S. Jed and Abby's mum isn't feeling too well
and Jed's having leggie trouble so we have paws crossed they get well soon!! x x
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Introducing .............
Howdy Everybuddy
We are very excited to announce we have a new family member. Our sissy (not Tyler's mum, but our other sissy) has adopted a red kelpie and her name is Jinx. She is 12 years young and very well behaved. She is living with our cousin Tyler. He has been wonderful with her.
Here she is:
Our sissy has wanted her own doggie for a long time and when her friend had to move interstate and could not take Jinx with her, even though she loved her with all her heart, my sissy said, NO WORRIES, I will have her and love her and spoil her rotten.
This is us at our back door saying, "hey, who the heck are you and what are you doing in our house?" We were really excited but mum says we are taking things slowly. She says Jinx doesn't need to be pushed and shoved by the likes of us! As if! We all wagged through the door and tomorrow or the next day, we are going to meet and greet Jinx at our oval, with us saying hello separately till we are all happy. Mum is very confident cause we have been so good lately with meeting other doggies.
So Jinx, welcome to the family. Our mum (who is now your Nana, hehe) loves you already. She says you are a total sweetie pie and brings a smile to all our faces!
We are very excited to announce we have a new family member. Our sissy (not Tyler's mum, but our other sissy) has adopted a red kelpie and her name is Jinx. She is 12 years young and very well behaved. She is living with our cousin Tyler. He has been wonderful with her.
Here she is:
Our sissy has wanted her own doggie for a long time and when her friend had to move interstate and could not take Jinx with her, even though she loved her with all her heart, my sissy said, NO WORRIES, I will have her and love her and spoil her rotten.
This is us at our back door saying, "hey, who the heck are you and what are you doing in our house?" We were really excited but mum says we are taking things slowly. She says Jinx doesn't need to be pushed and shoved by the likes of us! As if! We all wagged through the door and tomorrow or the next day, we are going to meet and greet Jinx at our oval, with us saying hello separately till we are all happy. Mum is very confident cause we have been so good lately with meeting other doggies.
So Jinx, welcome to the family. Our mum (who is now your Nana, hehe) loves you already. She says you are a total sweetie pie and brings a smile to all our faces!
So mates, we'll say see ya later.
Hopefully next time we will have some more photos of us all together.
Mum reckons she will get all four of us sitting together for a photo.
Hehehehe, we'll see about that!
No worries, and love
Stella and Rory
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Howdy from Lenny
Arghhhhh, sniff, sniff, boo hoo, nooooooooooooooooo, mum, please, noooooooooooooooooooooo. Don't take down the Christmas tree yet, please, aww, sniff, sniff, booger bubbles, and sobs.
Hello mates, Lenny here. Stella and Rory's sissy. Yes this is what I have to put up. Poor Rory can't stand the thought that Christmas is over. Silly duffer doesn't realise it will happen all again at the end of this year.
Anyhoo just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year and all the crunchy crickets you can eat. Everybuddy is resting cause it is so hot. I on the other hand, love the heat so thought I would say howdy.
Penny is in the bad books cause she peed on the lounge. Lucky she waited till after Father Christmas had been. Mum wasn't too happy but we forgave her. She is 13 and starting to get old. Butt, mum says she better not try that trick again.
Just in case you forget, here's a photo of your usual bloggers.
They look pretty woeful don't they and they didn't even stay up till midnight New Years Eve!!
Mum got a new sign for the kitchen. Now she says everybuddy has been warned!
On Saturday we have a surprise to share with everybuddy. So, see ya then mates.
No worries, and crickets, Lenny.
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